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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Last Post  2 Days... within this time i have been up to nothing. waiting until saturday while enjoying my last few days as a teenager before becoming an "adult"
In other news i have become in contact with an old friend. i am very keep to catch up with her again. <3

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Work induction was pretty damn fun. met some really cool people and hope to catch up with some that are working in the Maryborough store. however the induction lady didn't like me very much because of my humour but hey, thats just me. which is fine because i wont be working in her store so yeaah.
in other news. today is sunday which means dinner at the Hart's :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Its funny how things change so quickly and yet it can seem like it took a lifetime.
in a later report, I need to seriously consider getting back into shape. I never really lost my figure but it could be improved and toned. the hardest thing with routines is starting them.

tomorrow always brings a new day but yesterday will never be forgotten

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Whoever said to never eat wheetbix soggy is a fool. not only do they taste a billion times better soggy but they are easier to eat. what a fool
in other news it was incredibly fucking hot today, thank god for air-conditioning. secondly i start work tomorrow for the first time. unsure as what i am to expect but hopefully it will be bearable.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I have come to realise i completely hate the new Facebook. the user-friendly system has completely been remodelled and is utterly confusing. in other news i am finding myself reducing sleep time to around 6-7 hours a night. by doing this I can accomplish much more than previously without feeling terrible.

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” - James Dean

In the beginning. god created light

This was created to express my mind onto words.... yeah. expect this blog to be updated daily!